• Our branch offices will be closed on Tuesday, December 24th & Wednesday, December 25th. Manage your accounts using eBanking or by calling our 24/7 call center at 800-782-5767.

Event Concluded


Annual Meeting 2020

Annual Meeting 2020

The 66th Annual Meeting of the members of St. Paul Federal Credit Union will be held Friday, February 7th, 2020, beginning promptly with a social “half-hour” from 6:00 pm—6:30 pm.

Notice of the 66th Annual Meeting

Register Now!

The 66th Annual Meeting of the members of St. Paul Federal Credit Union will be held Friday, February 7th, 2020, beginning promptly with a social “half-hour” from 6:00 pm—6:30 pm.

A business meeting will immediately follow the social half-hour. Officers of the Credit Union will present their annual reports and the election of officers will be held.  Dinner and door prizes will follow.

The names of the nominees for offices to be filled at this election will be presented by the Nominating Committee, appointed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Members wishing to nominate candidates may do so from the floor or by submitting names in writing by 02/03/2020 to:

Nominating Committee
c/o St. Paul Federal Credit Union
1330 Conway St., Suite 200
Saint Paul, MN 55106

If elected, nominees must agree to serve and fulfill the obligations of office.

Register Now!

Come by and enjoy the wonderful food, great company, and best of all wonderful door prizes. 

We hope to see you there!

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