• Our branch offices will be closed on Tuesday, December 24th & Wednesday, December 25th. Manage your accounts using eBanking or by calling our 24/7 call center at 800-782-5767.

Fees Effective August 1, 2016

ServiceRelated Fee
Replace ATM Card or PIN $10.00
Replace Debit Card or PIN $10.00
Rush Fee (letters, debit/credit cards, pins, checks, etc.) $50 each
Check Printing Style Dependent
Cashiers Check $5 
Reissue of Cashiers Check $5
Money Order ($1,000 maximum per item) $3
Non-Member Check Cashing (on us only) $5
Overdraft (each overdraft paid) $33
Non-Sufficient Funds (each item) $33
Deposited Checks Returned Unpaid (each item) $33
Account Activity Printout (free on eBanking) $5
Account Research & Balancing Assistance ($30 min) $30 per hour
Copy of Statement (free on internet) $5
Copy of Cleared Check (free on internet) $5
Imaged Documents (per page)$5
Bill Pay—Free with Checking Account FREE
Loan Payment made via —Debit/Credit Card/ACH/Electronic Check $10
Stop Payment $33
Wire Transfer—Incoming$5
Wire Transfer—Outgoing Domestic $25
Wire Transfer—Outgoing International $55
Garnishments $75
Executions $75
Levies $75
Collection Item $30
Coin Counting (no matching funds) 1% of balance
Early Membership Closure Fee (if closed within 90 days) $5
Real Estate Verifications from Another Institution $25 each
Photocopies $.25 per page
Late Fee on Consumer Loans & Home Equity Loans1 greater of 5% of P&I or $25
Loan Coupon Printing $10
Late Fee on Mortgage Loans2 5% of P&I payment
Inactive Account3 $10 per month
Undeliverable Mail $10 per item
Overnight Mail Price Varies
Duplicate Mortgage Satisfaction $25
Mortgage Subordination $150
Duplicate Lien Release $15
Rolled Coin $.10 per roll
Prepaid Visa Card Price Varies
IRA Closing Fee $30
International Check Deposit (Payable in US Currency) $35
Currency Deposit Fee $0.20 per $100 deposited over $10,000 per month
Electronic Services Fees See eBanking Service Agreements
Skip A Payment – Single Payment Skip $35
Skip A Payment – Single Loan Package $75
Visa Platinum Credit Card Fees See Visa Disclosures

We reserve the right, at anytime, to require not less than seven days notice, in writing, before each withdrawal from a dividend bearing account, other than a share certificate.

Federal Regulations allow no more than six electronic withdrawals from a Savings Account per calendar month.


  1. 7 day grace period from due date ↩︎
  2. 15 day grace period from due date ↩︎
  3. If account has had no transactions in one year, a balance under $100.00 and the member is over 21 ↩︎