• Our branch offices will be closed on Tuesday, December 24th & Wednesday, December 25th. Manage your accounts using eBanking or by calling our 24/7 call center at 800-782-5767.

Products & Services

ATM Cards & Money Orders

ATM Cards & Money Orders

ATM/Debit Cards

Access your accounts conveniently with your St. Paul Federal Credit Union ATM/Debit Card. Your card is accepted worldwide and can be used at Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) or in lieu of writing checks.

For added convenience, our Debit Card carries a Visa debit logo, and can be used anywhere Visa debit cards are accepted.

Your Debit Card will save you from writing checks, as funds are taken directly from your St. Paul Federal Credit Union Checking Account.

Money Orders

Send money the safe way with a money order from St. Paul Federal Credit Union.

Money orders are available to our members in any dollar amount up to $1,000.

Money orders can be tracked and cancelled if the recipient does not receive the money order for any reason.

Banking Any Time,
Anywhere, Any device!